Parents as Teachers Early Intervention Aids in a Parents Struggle to Communicate

Last January, a mother named Natalie enrolled in the Parents as Teachers Early Intervention (PAT EI) program due to concerns about her child who wasn’t talking. Jamie, a Parent Educator with PAT EI, assessed Natalie’s son and discovered he had some speech delays. Jamie worked with Natalie to teach her many different strategies to aid in communication with her son.
One of the most difficult times to communicate was around mealtimes. Using an evidence-based curriculum, Jamie helped Natalie create specific goals, introduced sign language, and brought visual aides to Natalie to use with her child throughout the day at home.
7 months later, Natalie has reported that her son is not only signing but starting to speak! She also reported that since being in the program, she has learned a variety of helpful skills that she wished had learned with her older children. Natalie has told us that she is grateful for the program and enjoys the skills she is learning to support her child. They are bonding in a way Natalie didn’t think was possible, and her son is learning and growing at the same time!
If you notice your toddler or preschooler is struggling to talk, walk, or play with other children, you want to get them the help they need immediately, before they fall too far behind. Child & Family Resources offers early intervention that can help dramatically improve your child’s development. Our Parents as Teachers Early Intervention Program was designed to provide families with interactive play-based, developmental visits for parents with children, birth to 5 years old. Visit Parents as Teachers to learn more today!