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  1. ILRC’s Know Your Rights Toolkit Comprehensive guide with fundamental rights information and practical advice
  2. National Immigration Law Center (NILC) “Know Your Rights No Matter Who is President” – Essential information about constitutional rights that remain constant regardless of administration changes
  3. Immigrant Defense Project – Know Your Rights with ICE Location-specific guidance for different scenarios:

Rights at home

Rights at work

Rights in vehicles

Rights in other public spaces

  1. ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Resources Clear explanations of constitutional protections and civil rights
  2. Family Preparedness Resources The Florence Project’s guide is specifically designed for immigrant parents, helping families create emergency plans and organize important documents
  3. Immigration Legal Assistance AILA’s Immigration Lawyer Search tool to help families find qualified legal representation

Remember to emphasize that everyone has basic rights, regardless of immigration status. If families need additional support or have specific questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Here are some community based organization who are helping with legal advise and/or consulations:

Florence Project-

Derechos Humanos

Poder In Action

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential