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Learn More About the Healthy Families Program

Healthy, happy families are key to any community. At Child & Family Resources, we strive to provide Arizona households with the resources they need to welcome a new baby into the world and foster a healthy environment. Our clients enjoy free, in-home services that help navigate the waters of parenthood. We have locations all over Arizona, and our team prides itself on easily accessible services. Contact our nearest location to become a client of Healthy Families!


What Our Clients Can Expect

We’re always excited to work with new clients at Child & Family Resources. The Healthy Families Program is open to prenatal mothers and families with a child under three months, and our services are free for all qualifying clients. You can expect nothing less than premier services and care under this program. Our clients enjoy visits from highly-trained Family Support Specialists who offer the following benefits:

  • Hands-on educational activities
  • Baby health and safety resources
  • Services completely free of charge
  • In-home visits

Locations Across Arizona

We want our services to be accessible to as many people as possible. That’s why we have so many locations throughout the state of Arizona. Simply choose the location closest to you, and give the office a call. The team at Child & Family Resources would love to work with you!

Click on your county to get started with Healthy Families.

Ways You Can Support Our Mission

Are you interested in supporting our mission to educate and support Arizona families? If you’d like to contribute to Child & Family Resources, we welcome you to make a one-time or monthly donation. We know that ongoing donations aren’t possible for everyone, so we also offer other fundraising methods. You can support us by shopping with AmazonSmile or Fry’s Community Rewards, and we’d also love to see you at Great Things Thrift Shop! There are so many ways to make an impact on Arizona families, and we’re heartened by your interest.

Support In Part Comes From


We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential