Arizona Early Childhood Educator Recruitment and Retention Survey

Dear Early Childhood Professional(s),
Arizona’s Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) Recruitment and Retention workgroup is issuing its annual Early Childhood Educator Recruitment and Retention Survey to help understand recruitment and retention processes impacting the staff in the State’s early childhood systems including early intervention, early childhood special education, Early Head Start/Head Start, childcare, and many others.
AzEIP may share the confidential results of the survey with other early childhood partners to help with planning recruitment and retention of staff broadly across early childhood programs.
This survey is confidential, meaning identifying information is only shared on a need to know basis.
The purpose of the survey is to collect data on recruitment and retention of the Early Intervention (EI), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), and Early Childhood Education (ECE) fields. This information will be used to make recommendations and create products to support programs with recruitment and retention of early childhood staff. We thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these questions. The survey on average takes 5-15 minutes. If you’re a supervisor, it would be helpful to have information regarding staff vacancies nearby.
The Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) will retain this information according to the State retention schedule GS-1018 record series number 10309. It will be kept until the administrative or reference value has been served.
This survey will remain open until December 31, 2024.
The proposed audience to complete the survey: Any EI/ECSE/ECE staff currently working in programs that support children and families with disabilities.