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This Tuesday, the Arizona House of Representatives reconvened and spent much of the day debating a ballot measure on immigration enforcement, beforehand House Republicans voted to require healthcare providers and insurers to cover gender detransition procedures. Unlike earlier this year, when advocates on both sides of the abortion debate crowded House and Senate galleries, the debate unfolded without a live audience. Republican leaders closed access to the gallery overseeing the House floor after protesters announced their intention to disrupt the proceedings as they did in the Senate.


There was bipartisan support for:

  • bills that require licensing and education for operating off-highway vehicles
  • order preparations for a conflict in the Pacific
  • alter regulation of liquor
  • adjust assured water supply policies in specific situations
  • reduce limits on the delivery of marijuana


Debate season is here, officials are preparing for a very long ballot this November. A new poll says voters’ opinions on abortion haven’t changed much in response to the Arizona Supreme Court ruling on the issue. Arizona voters will decide whether citizen initiatives should have to collect signatures from every part of the state.

Good News!

Arizona is receiving almost $700,000 in housing assistance and Democratic lawmakers celebrated federal investments in Arizona’s renewable energy!

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