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Champion for Children & Families Award Winner

Introducing Eileen Bond, our esteemed awardee for this year’s Champions for Children Award, recognizing her outstanding efforts in the community. We are pleased to award Mrs. Bond’s efforts during this Child Abuse Prevention Month and commend her dedication to addressing the intricate web of poverty and creating a brighter future for children in our community. 

Eileen Bond has dedicated her life to advocating for the children and families of Arizona, and her impact on the community is nothing short of extraordinary. Eileen’s career in juvenile dependency law spans over four decades, during which she has consistently worked to make a lasting difference in the lives of vulnerable children.

Eileen graduated from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University in 1972 and was admitted to the Arizona State Bar the same year. She spent more than forty years in juvenile dependency law, initially representing the State Department of Economic Security (CPS) at the Attorney General’s Office, followed by a long tenure as a contract attorney in Yavapai County representing both parents and children. In addition to her legal practice, Eileen served as Judge Pro Tempore in both Yavapai and Santa Cruz Counties, contributing to the establishment of the Family Drug Court in Arizona and working with the Dependent Children’s Services Division of the AOC Court Improvement Project. She was a key figure in creating and facilitating the AOC Dependency Attorney Training.

Throughout her career, Eileen’s excellence in juvenile law has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, including the Terry L. Chandler Award for Excellence in the Field of Juvenile Law (2004), the James Waite Mahoney Memorial Award for Meritorious Service (2021), the AOC Excellence in Advocacy Award (2019), and the Judicial Branch Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Arizona Courts (2021).

In 2000, Eileen began volunteering as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), where she served as a passionate voice for abused and neglected children in Yavapai County. Her commitment to helping these children continued until 2017, when she transitioned to the Pima County CASA program after relocating to Green Valley, AZ. As a CASA volunteer, Eileen also became a mentor, training new volunteers to advocate for children in foster care. Her dedication is exemplified by the over 700 hours and 12,491 miles she spent advocating for a sibling group of three children, meeting their social, academic, and cultural needs, and ensuring their permanency.

Eileen also serves on the Foster Care Review Board, providing valuable insight into the progress of children’s cases in dependency actions. Her commitment to serving families, particularly those in the foster care system, has been unwavering and continues to leave a lasting legacy.

Through her decades of service and countless hours spent fighting for Arizona’s children, Eileen Bond exemplifies the qualities of a Champion for Children & Families Awardee. Her tireless advocacy and unyielding commitment to bettering the lives of vulnerable children and families have not only shaped the landscape of juvenile law but have also positively impacted the lives of countless individuals.


Call For Nominations & Award Ceremony

Award Winners have been selected for 2025. Please email for more information regarding future nominees.

Click here to learn more about Child Abuse Prevention Month.

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential