Healthy Families Program Inspires Local Mom

When Alexis first enrolled with Healthy Families, she talked of wanting to someday go to school to become a Medical Assistant. At that point, she was working full time at a local food chain, and finding the time to enroll in school was so challenging. Alexis wasn’t able to give up her employment for school. Alexis and her Healthy Families Family Support Specialist, Rachael, set goals together and explored her plans with reflective conversations. Alexis is now enrolled in school working toward her dream and is very much enjoying it, passing with A’s! She wants to share her story in hopes to inspire other moms:
Alexis said, “I just want to inspire the next person because I know if I can do it, anyone can do it. Accomplishing your goal is so rewarding, and I hope others feel inspired by me. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what your background is as long as you put your mind to it you can do it. I believe that Healthy Families has had a great impact on my life and now on my career because my Family Support Specialist (FSS) has taught me, guided me, and encouraged me to be a better person and better Mom. My FSS has helped encourage me and inspired me so much by just her amazing talks, reflective conversations, and goal setting. My FSS goal-setting skills that we do for my son make me want to make my own goals for myself. To accomplish my goals I write them down and follow them. My FSS has taught me how to accomplish a goal step-by-step and here I am accomplishing this goal that I’ve always wanted to do and it’s just by my FSS teaching me how to be a better Mom that makes me be a better person.”
Alexis is currently working her way toward fulfilling her career goal of becoming a Medical Assistant, mom to three handsome, energetic fun-loving boys, and gives her all for her kids.
Child & Family Resources and Healthy Families are free to qualifying families. We are here to provide free, in-home support and education on how to become the best parent you can be. Through fun, hands-on creative activities, you can learn about prenatal and child development, and baby health and safety for up to the first 5 years of your child’s life. Our Family Support Specialists will visit you in your home and help you build a nourishing and happy environment for your baby! Visit our Healthy Families Page to learn more Healthy Families.