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County Government (Elected Positions)


  1. County Board of Supervisors:
    • The primary legislative and governing body of the
    • Supervisors are elected by district and serve four-year
  2. County Sheriff:
    • The chief law enforcement officer responsible for public safety and law enforcement within the county.
    • Elected by county residents for a four-year
  3. County Attorney:
    • The chief prosecutor and legal advisor for the
    • Elected to represent the county in legal matters and
  4. County Assessor:
    • Responsible for valuing property for tax
    • Elected by county residents to a four-year
  5. County Recorder:
    • Manages public records and elections, ensuring the proper recording of
    • Elected to a four-year
  6. County Treasurer:
    • Manages the collection of property taxes and the county’s financial
    • Elected to a four-year
  7. Clerk of the Superior Court:
    • Oversees court records and administrative services for the judicial
    • Elected by county residents to a four-year
  8. County Superintendent of Schools:
    • Oversees educational services at the county level and works with local school
    • Elected to a four-year


Municipal Government (Elected Positions)



  1. Mayor:
    • Serves as the political leader and ceremonial head of the
    • Elected by city or town residents, usually for a two- or four-year
  2. City/Town Council:
    • The legislative body that creates laws and policies for the
    • Council members are elected either at large or by district, depending on the city’s
    • Terms are usually two or four years, depending on the


In some municipalities, positions like city/town treasurer or city attorney may also be elected,


but these are less common and depend on the specific city’s charter.




Finally, an organizational chart of the positions mentioned in Phoenix (Also attach organizational chart, just not able to embed in the doc)

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