Parents as Teachers Makes a Big Impact for Mother and Son

The Johnson family has been enrolled in Child and Family Resources Parents as Teachers (PAT) program since March 2019. The family, concerned with their son’s lack of speech, enrolled when he did not qualify for the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) services. During the first home visit, the concerned mother shared that she felt something was not right with her son’s development.
During their time in the program, the child has learned four sign language signs and is now using them consistently to communicate with his family.
But the program has been great not just for their son, but for Mom as well. Not only has Ms. Johnson learned ways to communicate better with her son, she has also learned ways that she can further her own goals in life. Thanks to her Parent Educator, Ms. Johnson is now exploring ways to get her GED so that she can follow through with her goals of helping her child and others in the community.
Through education about childhood development, positive parenting techniques, and early detection of developmental delays, this child and mother are now on the path to success. This is all possible because of you and your support of Child and Family Resources.