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Still haven’t registered to vote? Find out how to do so below!

Here are the requirements one must have to be eligible to vote:

  • U.S. Citizen
    • In the process of gaining citizenship? Amazing! Be sure you’ve completed and passed the exam, and taken the oath before getting registered to
  • 18 Years old or older before or on election day (Nov. 5)
  • Resident of Arizona + your county for 29 days before the election You are ineligible to vote if:
  • You have been declared an incapacitated person by a court of law (Judge) at the time of registration
  • You have been convicted of treason or a felony at the time of registration unless you have had your civil rights restored.*
    • Important: On completion of probation for an offense committed in AZ or absolute discharge from imprisonment, if you have not previously been convicted of a felony offense, your civil rights shall automatically be

restored as a result of the conviction if you have paid all victim restitution imposed. You are not required to file an application pursuant to section 13-908 to restore your civil rights.



Check your voter registration here!

  • In-person at local election Office on October 7th close of business
  • Online: October 7 by 11:50 pm MST
  • By Mail(postmarked by) October 7th


Get registered to vote below:

  • Register to vote online Here
  • Register to vote via mail here
    • Print out the form
    • Fold + add a stamp
    • Mail it to your county’s recorder’s office

Double check you filled everything out correctly. Line-by-line instructions are here

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