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Election day will be here soon

Life happens. So we recommend voting by mail (and voting early) just in case something comes up on election day like not having time or feeling sick.

In Arizona, we’re lucky to have access to early voting by mail. What’s the point of early voting by mail? Early voting relieves the pressure to vote on a specific day in the future. Many of us can’t plan a week ahead of time, let alone 11 weeks from now! Who knows what will happen on November 5th – you or your child could get sick, or you could get stuck at work, or simply get distracted by something happening that day- any number of things could happen that would prevent you from making it to the polls.

Plus, it helps poll workers a ton, because it lightens the flood of ballots on election day, helping to ensure that ballots are counted accurately and election results can be announced sooner.

Early voting allows you to get your ballot early, think about and research your choices, and mail it in so that you know your vote will be counted! (just make sure it’s postmarked by November 5th or sooner!)

You can sign up for the Active Early Voting List (AEVL) online at the below from 93 to 11 days before an election (deadline to sign up for voting by mail before this year’s General Election is Oct 25th).

Once signed up, voters on the AEVL automatically receive a ballot-by-mail for elections in which they are eligible to vote. This means you just have to sign up one time! Heads up – you’ll need an AZ Driver’s License or Non-Operating ID number to do it, but it only takes a few minutes.



  • By October 25, 2024 for General Election (Nov 5)
  • With AZ Driver’s license OR non-operating ID number

Early Voting | Arizona Secretary of State (

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