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Champions for Children logo with flower and navy and aqua lettering

Do you know someone who is working to make a bright and sustainable future for children and families in Arizona?

Now is your chance to make sure they are recognized for all their hard work and dedication!

Nominate them for a Champions for Children & Families Award.


Martha K. Rothman Lifetime Achievement Award

Nominees must have a long history of diligently championing the issues of children and families. They have had a significant impact with far-reaching results, and have successfully made today a better place for Arizona children.

Gabe Zimmerman Emerging Champion Award

Nominees in this category have begun to emerge as up and coming community champions for children and families. They are inspirational, compassionate, and innovative in their efforts to make our community a better place for children and families.

Champion for Children & Families Award

Nominees for this award have been an inspiration to others as they worked toward a better world for their children and their families. Their creative, hands-on efforts have spanned many years. They have brought about a positive change in the lives of Arizona’s children and families.

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential