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Make a Lasting Impact with Monthly Giving

Show your ongoing support for Child & Family Resources by joining our Circle of Giving. As a monthly donor, you will play a crucial role in sustaining our vital programs and creating positive change for children and families across Arizona.

Why Join the Circle of Giving?

  • Sustained Support: Your monthly contributions ensure a reliable source of funding, allowing us to plan and execute our programs effectively.
  • Ongoing Impact: Regular donations help us address immediate needs and implement long-term strategies to support families in need.
  • Positive Change: Your support directly benefits our prevention measures and educational initiatives, driving meaningful progress in our community.

How It Works:

  1. Choose Your Gift: Select the amount you’d like to contribute each month.
  2. Set Up Your Donation: Easily set up automatic monthly payments through our secure donation platform.
  3. Enjoy the Impact: Know that your steady support is making a significant difference every day.

Join our Circle of Giving today and be a part of a community dedicated to making a positive impact. Your ongoing support truly matters and helps us build a brighter future for those we serve.

Join the Circle of Giving

Thank you for your commitment to Child & Family Resources. Together, we can continue to make a profound difference in the lives of children and families across Arizona

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential