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Looking for a meaningful and unique gift? Consider making a donation on behalf of someone special! Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, searching for the perfect gift for someone who has everything, or honoring the memory of a loved one who valued our work, a charitable donation can be a wonderful choice.

To make a donation in someone else’s name:

  1. Fill Out the Form Below: Include the full name and address of the person you’d like your gift to be associated with, and add a note about the occasion if you wish.
  2. Notification: We will send a notification to your giftee, letting them know about your generous gift.

If you prefer to keep your donation anonymous, we’re happy to accommodate that as well and will simply inform them that a gift has been made in their honor.

Your thoughtful contribution not only celebrates a special occasion but also supports our mission and makes a positive impact. Thank you for choosing this meaningful way to give!

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential