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Senior Leadership

Eric Schindler, Ph.D.
President and C.E.O

Contact Eric Schindler

Connie Curnett, MBA
Chief Financial Officer

Contact Connie Curnett

Tammy Cormier, M.H.R., P.H.R.
Chief Administrative Officer

Contact Tammy Cormier

Diane Fellows, MS Early Childhood Studies
Vice President for Early Care and Education Programs

Contact Diane Fellows

Wendy Puga, MBA
Vice President for Family and Community Services

Contact Wendy Puga

Dianna Bonneau, MBA
Senior Program Director | Prevention Programs for Youth

Contact Dianna Bonneau

Board of Directors

A community-based board of directors actively governs the programs as set forth in the bylaws of the agency. The board reflects a cross-section of our diverse community. These people set the course of the agency and direct the professional staff so that together the mission of the agency is served.


Chairperson: Samia Al Scheikh | Secretary & Chair-Elect: Anna Zappia | Treasurer: Carol Lopinski

Ali Anekwe

Melissa Delgado

Lisa Fitzgibbons

Isabel Georgelos

Carlos Hernandez

Emily Nottingham

Elsa Peterson

Dulce Ruelas

Anna Zappia

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential