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Preschool kids having class

Parents as Teachers is a free and voluntary program that gives you key information about early childhood development. The (PAT) program hosts a monthly group connection, where people in the PAT program can get together and share resources. The group includes fun ways to practice literacy with your child incorporating songs, rhymes, and read aloud. Last month a little girl named Rachel saw the Parent Educator taking out a book she already knew. She went up to her and wanted her to read the book right away. Her mom, Sarah, decided to read the book to all the kids in the room.

Sarah reads to Rachel on a daily basis and felt confident in sharing her joy of reading with the group. The kids loved story time! It was refreshing to have Sarah, a devoted parent, read the book in place of the typical Parent Educator reading to the group. We are thankful that Sarah set this example and has learned these skills on how to help her childโ€™s development. We enjoy sharing these success storied with the public! This is all made possible because of you and your generous support that enables Child & Family Resources to continue to offer these important services.

To learn more about Parents as Teachers, please visit the Families page.

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential