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Nogales is a apart of the County of Santa Cruz County, Arizona. With over 20, 0000 in population, Nogales is a border town with Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Nogales, Arizona is widely known for it being an important point for cross-border trade and cultural exchange. It is one of the most prominent border cities in the US. The city has a mix of American and Mexican cultures which is reflected in the food, language and daily life.

Child & Family Resources, Inc.


From Tucson, AZ, head south on 1-19 toward Nogales, at exit 8, head on ramp left, turn right onto AZ-189/W Mariposa Rd, then turn left on N Mastick Way, turn right

Business Hours:
Monday – Friday : 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Weekends: Closed

Address: 1827 N Mastick Way
Nogales, AZ 85621

Phone Number: 520-291-9303


Outside Partnerships links:


We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential