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April 5, 2025 | 9AM – 1PM

Children’s Museum Tucson @ 200 S. 6th Ave Tucson, AZ 85741

Explore the Children’s Museum (for free) and learn all about how our different programs can serve you and your loved ones. No registration required.

What to expect:

Games, raffles and activities for kids!

Come and learn about all the programming available at no charge to you while your kiddos play games, build crafts, color, paint and enjoy story time with the staff at Child & Family Resources.

Wear Blue Day

April 5th is Wear Blue Day! Show your support for us in our mission to end child abuse:

  • Wear blue and receive automatic entry into our grand prize raffle!
  • Purchase an official “Wear Blue Day” shirt at the event! 100% of proceeds go to CFR’s programming.
  • Take a picture of your “Blue Crew” at our photobooth and tag #cfrbluecrew

Get your official merch

Hygiene Drive for Youth

Child & Family Resources’ Prevention Programs are collecting new hygiene items for our teens. Each item brought earns you another raffle entry!

See the complete list of items

Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. All month long we will be spreading awareness about the seriousness of child abuse, how important prevention is, and what you can do to join the cause.

Learn more and support

Thank you to our wonderful 2025 sponsors!

Technology Solutions
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Paycom Payroll, LLC
Lakeshore Logo

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential