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April 5 is Wear Blue Day and supports Child Abuse Prevention Month in a fun and inclusive way. Help us call attention to this month of advocacy, education, and resource sharing by following some simple steps:

Wear Blue Day

April 5th is Wear Blue Day! Show your support for us in our mission to end child abuse:

  • Wear blue at Program Round Up and receive automatic entry into our raffle
  • Purchase an official “Wear Blue Day” shirt at the event! 100% of proceeds go to CFR’s programming.
  • Take a picture of your “Blue Crew” at our photobooth and tag #cfrbluecrew

Step 1: Take a photo in your t-shirt

Step 2: Share your photo and tag @childfamilyresources #cfrbluecrew #childabusepreventionmonth

Step 3: Enjoy your shirt! And know that you made a difference in a small child’s life!

Thank you for your support as we work to eradicate child abuse in Arizona!

Don’t feel like posting a picture of yourself? No problem. Right click and save either of the images below (and we even wrote a caption for you to make sharing super simple) and share to your feed:

Today is #WearBlueDay and I am showing my support of @childfamilyresources by painting my feed blue! April 5 is Wear Blue Day, and a day to bring attention and awareness to Child Abuse Prevention Month (all of April). Child & Family Resources works tirelessly to prevent child abuse by offering free programming, support and education to young children, families and childcare professionals in Arizona. Show your support by wearing blue and sharing this post! #preventchildabuse #CFRbluecrew #cfrarizona #childabusepreventionmonth

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential